Vehicle firmware 1.5.1 has been built for all platforms and is now on github. You can download it directly from the github project:

The primary focus of this release has been adaptive reporting and simplifying provisioning.

Due to the drastic reduction in cellular data usage with this release, and improvements in cellular connection handling, this firmware is recommended for all end users.

Github issues addressed (since 1.2.9) are:

#93 Car: Notify server/app when charge has completed
#92 Try TCP reconnect, rather than full GPRS re-init, if server connection fails
#90 AP via SMS
#89 Report GSM operator
#86 Get ICCID from SIM during startup
#84 Detect lack of comms between PIC and modem
#82 Adaptive Reporting
#80 Make GSMLOCK use short service name
#79 SMS/PUSH notify if alarm is activated
#78 can_poll0 100 vs 102 check
#77 Option for GSM Network selection
#76 SMS HELP command
#75 Car: Basic (stub only) Renault Twizy Support
#74 Car: SETUP (DIAG) mode for firmware
#71 Car: Send line voltage level back to server
#70 Car: Send hardware version along with firmware version
#69 Wakeup temperature subsystem when car is woken up
#58 Car: Strange range when low on power
#57 Car: Motor temperature overflow
