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Door lock unlock

Hi all,

I have a Nissan leaf 2016 SL USA.

I've got the door to lock and unlock. But it seems that the OVMS 3 sends out several times the command. Like it will unlock 5 Times in 1 second. Does anyone has the same issue? If so how to resolve it?

Thank you

I've got a 2015 Nissan Leaf,

I've got a 2015 Nissan Leaf, how did you get yours to lock and unlock the doors? I've tried using the app with the default 1234 password and issued the command through the message interface.

2015 lock/unlock

@Alenux did you ever get it working?  Doesn't work for me either on 2015 Leaf

No luck

Sadly I have not yet been able to get this feature to work on the 2015 Leaf, but I also haven't had much time to look at it lately.

Seems to do something

Issuing the command while standing next to the car seems to do something, as I hear something happening somewhere under the hood when I do, but no lock or unlock action.

what did the unlock on leaf 2015

It seems, it's switch off the a/c.

I tried it with the direct can command too:

"can can1 tx standard 0x56e 0x11 0x00 0x00 0x00"

the response are the same, if the ac switched on earlier, the unlock command or the direct can command switch it off...

what did the unlock on leaf 2015

It seems, it's switch off the a/c.

I tried it with the direct can command too:

"can can1 tx standard 0x56e 0x11 0x00 0x00 0x00"

the response are the same, if the ac switched on earlier, the unlock command or the direct can command switch it off...

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