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Possibly DOA 4G Modem Module

I've had an OVMS v3.3 running for about 4 months using WIFI, its worked pretty good but I decided I needed cellular. I recently purchased a 4G modem module to use and followed the instructions for ordering a SIM card. I have the SIM card installed and registered and the modem module installed but I am not getting any communication. I turned on simcom and cellular logging and connected to the serial port to see what is happening. Here is a log trace. During this trace I made sure to turn on the cellular modem from the web page, and I noticed that the page did not have any imei information.


Welcome to the Open Vehicle Monitoring System (OVMS) - Async Console
Firmware: 3.3.002-34-g8aa6004e-dirty/factory/main
Hardware: OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/3

I (2439) webserver: Launching Web Server
I (2439) webserver: Binding to port 80 (http)
I (2449) ssh: Launching SSH Server
I (2579) ovms-duktape: Duktape: Initialising module system
I (4849) esp32wifi: ScanDone: connect to ssid='StarWars' bssid='24:5a:4c:7a:89:7b' chan=11 rssi=-73
I (4969) wifi:ap channel adjust o:1,0 n:11,0
I (4969) wifi:new:<11,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<11,0>, sta:<11,0>, prof:1
I (5649) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (5659) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (5719) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (5729) wifi:connected with StarWars, aid = 12, channel 11, BW20, bssid = 24:5a:4c:7a:89:7b
I (5729) wifi:security type: 3, phy: bgn, rssi: -72
I (5729) wifi:pm start, type: 1

I (5739) esp32wifi: STA connected with SSID: StarWars, BSSID: 24:5a:4c:7a:89:7b, Channel: 11, Auth: WPA2
I (5749) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 1
I (6129) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (6129) netmanager: WIFI client got IP
I (6129) esp32wifi: STA got IP with SSID 'StarWars' AP 24:5a:4c:7a:89:7b: MAC: 24:d7:eb:6b:30:5c, IP:, mask:, gw:
I (7069) sdcard: SD CARD has been inserted
I (7129) sdcard: mount done
I (8039) webserver: HTTP GET /
I (8189) webserver: HTTP GET /apple-touch-icon.png
I (8429) webserver: HTTP GET /assets/script.js
I (9029) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/firmware
I (9069) netmanager: WIFI client has good signal quality (-86.7 dBm); connect
I (9069) netmanager: Interface priority is st1 ( gateway
I (9069) netmanager: Set DNS#0
I (9069) netmanager: WIFI client up (with MODEM down): starting network with WIFI client
I (9079) command: OpenLogfile: now logging to file '/sd/log.txt'
I (9089) time: Starting SNTP client
I (9089) ovms-server-v2: Status: Network is up, so attempt network connection
I (11069) ovms-server-v2: Connection is ovms.dexters-web.de:6870 xxxxxxxx
I (11069) ovms-server-v2: Status: Connecting...
D (14069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
I (14469) ovms-server-v2: Connection successful
I (14469) ovms-server-v2: Status: Logging in...
I (14479) ovms-server-v2: Sending server login: MP-C 0 xxxxxxxx== xxxxxxxx
I (14669) ovms-server-v2: Got server response: MP-S 0 xxxxxxxx==
I (14669) ovms-server-v2: Server token is xxxxxxxx and digest is xxxxxxxx==
I (14669) ovms-server-v2: Status: Server authentication ok. Now priming crypto.
I (14669) ovms-server-v2: Shared secret key is xxxxxxxx (44 bytes)
I (14669) ovms-server-v2: Status: OVMS V2 login successful, and crypto channel established
I (14699) ovms-server-v2: Incoming Msg: MP-0 Z0
D (15069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
I (15069) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 S0,M,0,0.00,stopped,standard,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0,0.00,100.00,0.00,0.0
I (15069) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 D0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,251,0,0,1,1,2.09,0,12.6,0,0,0,0
I (15079) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 L0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,,0,0,0,0
I (15079) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 Y4,FL,FR,RL,RR,0,-1,0,-1,0,-1,0,-1
I (15079) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 W0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1
I (15079) ovms-server-v2: Send MP-0 F3.3.002-34-g8aa6004e-dirty/factory/main (build idf v3.3.4-848-g1ff5e24b1 May 16 2022 21:37:35),,19,0,NL,StarWars,-1,-1,OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/3
D (16069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (17069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (18069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (18069) cellular: State timeout CheckPowerOff => PoweredOff
I (18069) cellular: State: Enter PoweredOff state
I (29289) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/firmware
I (29299) webserver: HandleLogin: 'admin' logged in, sid xxxxxxxx
I (29399) webserver: HTTP GET /menu
I (29409) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/firmware
I (33249) webserver: HTTP GET /status
I (35349) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (35359) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8b3e5c]: 3493336 bytes free, executing: power cellular on
I (35369) cellular: Set modem driver to 'auto'
I (35369) cellular: State: Enter PoweringOn state
I (35369) cellular-modem-auto: Power Cycle 2000ms
I (35719) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute
I (35719) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8b3dc0]: 3495148 bytes free, executing: cellular status
D (37369) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (37369) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (38069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (39069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (40069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (41069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT
D (42069) cellular: tx-cmd: AT

It looks to me like the modem module is never responding to the initial AT command. What are the next steps I can take to figure out what is wrong with with my OVMS module or SIM7600 module?



markwj's picture
Firstly, please make sure the

Firstly, please make sure the module is powered from either a powered USB HUB, or high power USB port, or 12v vehicle power (the simplest).

If you still can't get a response from the modem, best to open a support ticket here, with details, and we can work towards resolving the issue.

I've tried running the module

I've tried running the module from the vehicle and from a powered USB hub with the same results. I've opened a supported ticket #3198.

Stanton's picture
I used to work with a wise

I used to work with a wise old engineer that always said "check the easy stuff first".

I know had I had trouble getting both connectors lined up: are you sure there are no bent pins? Did you verify the board has power (like check +5v on the modem board)? You can do all these checks from USB power (no need to plug into the car).

Thats always good advice. I

Thats always good advice. I took the cover off and checked the power pins with it plugged into a powered USB hub. +3V3 is reading 3.35, EXT_12V is 2.4V, EXT_PWR is 4.49, and USB_5V is 4.9V. I pullout out my scope and looked at the TX and RX lines. I'm seeing the AT wiggle on the modem RX line, but nothing on the modem TX line. Both UART lines are high when idle. MDM_EN is low. Anything else I can check to see if the module is DOA?

Stanton's picture
Power supplies look good, but

Power supplies look good, but it seems like you might have a bad modem chip. I think your best move at this point is return/exchange (the daughterboard).

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