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Version 2.0 of ABRP (A Better Routeplanner) Plugin

I've been working on a significant refactoring of the ABRP plugin, primarily to reduce the modem bandwidth used each month and to provide additional metrics that OVMS exposes that weren't currently being sent. Along the way, changes to also improve the calibrated km/kWh estimated by ABRP as it was a long way off based on our usage.

Details of the functional changes can be seen at https://github.com/dteirney/ovms-link/blob/dev/CHANGELOG.md

Details for updated installation instructions can be seen at https://github.com/dteirney/ovms-link

These changes will make their way into the Internio (ABRP) repo when the PR is approved. Other testers are welcome to provide feedback.




Hallo dteirney, your script

Hallo dteirney, your script works flawless and very efficient, nearly no traffic when car is parked. ABRP now also shows the speed. No crashs and reliable, thank you! 

OVMS Editor issues


I'm new to this and I'm trying to install ABRP onto OVMS. I need to drop a few files and edit a file to add a line to two to existing files. But i get errors when i try to navigate to /store/scripts/. I get an error "Error: VFS cannot open directory listing for that directory"

What am i doing wrong? how to get access to the directory?

markwj's picture
Perhaps try 'vfs mkdir /store

Perhaps try 'vfs mkdir /store/scripts' to create the directory, if it is not already there?

dexter's picture
OVMS Editor issues

Both the "Open" and the "Save as" dialogs offer a button "New Dir" to create directories.

Also, saving to a path automatically creates all missing directories along the path.


Got it to work! Thank you!

Got it to work! Thank you! Question: Do I need the Premium version of ABRP to have this work? So far, nothing is different in my ABRP app. Wondering if I need to fork out the premium subscription, which I think is worth it if it works.


Got it to work! Thank you!

Got it to work! Thank you! Question: Do I need the Premium version of ABRP to have this work? So far, nothing is different in my ABRP app. Wondering if I need to fork out the premium subscription, which I think is worth it if it works.


cannot create dir lib in store/scripts

@dteirney I have followed your instructions for ABRP but cannot create the lib directory as per your instructions. Can you advise please?

I'm getting the same error

I'm getting the same error when I try to create the directory. Here is my log:


I (785924184) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute

I (785924194) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8c4f0c]: 3467856 bytes free, executing: vfs mkdir '/store/scripts'

I (785944464) webserver: HTTP GET /shell

I (785954364) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute

I (785954374) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8c4f0c]: 3469236 bytes free, executing: vfs mkdir /store/scripts

OVMS# vfs mkdir /store/scripts
Error: Could not create VFS directory

I (785969994) webserver: HTTP GET /

I (785970144) webserver: HTTP GET /home

I (785975134) webserver: HTTP GET /cfg/logging

I (785982514) webserver: HTTP POST /cfg/logging

I (785987564) webserver: HTTP POST /api/execute

OVMS# vfs mkdir /store/scripts
Error: Could not create VFS directory

I (785987564) webcommand: HttpCommandStream[0x3f8b4bc8]: 3468540 bytes free, executing: vfs mkdir /store/scripts

I (786000844) cellular: Signal Quality is: 26 (-61 dBm)

I can create a directory through the editor on the sd card but not in the /store directory. I even tried to create a direcroty with a different name and it failed.

I also turned logging off and still failed.




dexter's picture
Directory error

If you cannot create directories or files on /store, your /store partition may have become corrupted. You may need to do a factory reset. You should still be able to make a backup, but your last backup is the better choice to restore.

I finally got ABRP to work

I finally got ABRP to work with OVMS. I, too, was having issues writing to the directory.  What i did was go to the WEBSERVER page of the config menu in OVMS. In that page, I unchecked ENABLE GLOBAL FILE AUTH. Then i rebooted the OVMS unit.  I was then able to create the directories and files to install ABRP.

I too have it working , i

I too have it working , i hard reset it and changed the global autth too.

Thank for your help both

wes westhaver
You guys are awesome! I

You guys are awesome! I posted a thread (https://www.openvehicles.com/node/3310) asking for help because I couldn't get OVMS to write to my sdcard. This thread fixed the problem! I unchecked ENABLE GLOBAL FILE AUTH and bingo! Logging now works.



wes westhaver
You guys are awesome!

You guys are awesome! I posted a thread (https://www.openvehicles.com/node/3310) asking for help because I couldn't get OVMS to write to my sdcard. This thread fixed the problem! I unchecked ENABLE GLOBAL FILE AUTH and bingo! Logging now works.



dexter's picture

You are both mistaking a side effect. "Global file auth" does in no way interfere or interact with writing to SD or the /store partition. It only affects HTTP access to files, i.e. for downloading something from the SD card using your web browser.

Disabling this allows public access to the SD card, which isn't normally something you'd like to have.

The side effect most probably comes from the config update on changing the setting, which means you both most probably have a corrupted /store partition and really need to do a factory reset. The config update only "fixed" the corruption by chance, any next write can destroy it again.


Thank you dteirney

Thank you for your work and contribution! It works! Tomorrow I'll test it on a longer trip!




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