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USB Power output

Does the USB port also provide power out?  My guess is no, given that the USB port is microUSB (I've never seen that kind of port provide power).  If I'm right and it doesn't provide power, what is the "Power on external 12V" option for in the settings?

markwj's picture
The usb port is for data

The usb port is for data communications and powering the module from a laptop/computer. It cannot power external devices.

The "power on external 12v" is a switchable 12v output exposed on the DIAG expansion connector, and it is switched from the vehicle 12V power supply.

Thank you!

Thank you!

> My guess is no, given that

> My guess is no, given that the USB port is microUSB (I've never seen that kind of port provide power).

Many older microUSB phones could be used with a microUSB->USB-A OTG cable and the usb devices connected to those got powered.

An other example is the Odroid N2 https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-n2-with-4gbyte-ram-2/ . It have also a Micro-USB that is powered. You just plug in a microUSB->USB-A OTG cable and use the port as a general USB-A port like found on most computers.


But on the OVMSv3 its a different case and PCB is not designed to be possible to do that. There is no backward power going out of the microUSB port. Also its not a general usb port but a USB-TTL/USB-UART port like found on other typical ESP32 boards.


Here explaination in example pictures.

What the OVMSv3 is more like:


What you are asking it to be:

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