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Tesla Roadster 2.x VMS/CAN bus troubleshooting


I've recently purchased OVMS and I'm attempting to use it to determine whether my VMS is working and I'm trying to use the shell commands to monitor and display CAN bus CRTD messages. I've enabled monitoring of the CAN buses and I can see packet counts incrementing in both directions, but nothing is being displayed in the shell window. Anyone have advise on how to do this?

I'd also like to send queries to different devices on the CAN buses via the shell so that I can verify which devices are functioning and collect information from them. Anyone know how to do this?

thanks... emc

markwj's picture
Some information here:

Some information here:


For the roadster, you will need to 'can start ...' the other two CAN buses to get data from them. Take care with the baud rate and I suggest you use listen mode (not active) in case you get it wrong (to avoid messing up the car networks).

If you need assistance, eMail me (support (at) openvehicles (dot) com). So long as your vehicle is on the v2 server we can remotely check.

Faulty VMS systems are usually either they simply crashed (often while taking USB logs) or firmware corruption.

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