Want to participate in the testing of the first Tesla Roadster iPhone App?

The OVMS iPhone App has been largely completed, and has now entered testing phase. Even if you don't have the car hardware yet (as most don't), you can still get the App and try it with the DEMO car provided.

Requirements are:
* Apple iOS device (iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad)
* iOS version 5.0 (or later)

We're using a system called testflight to distribute the testing builds:


iPhone App first-draft published

The first draft of the iOS (iPhone) App has been published to github. This implements encryption scheme 0x30 (RC4, HMAC/MD5 and base64 encoding over tcp/ip). So far, we've got the status and location tabs working. Still outstanding are the car configuration screens and PUSH notifications.

All the above can be found in the github repository in the master branch.
